God, I know that in my lifetime, I have not always lived for You and I have sinned in ways I probably don't even know yet are sins. I know that You have plans for me and I want to live in those plans. I pray to You for forgiveness for the ways in which I have sinned. I AM CHOOSING NOW to accept You, into my heart I am eternally grateful for Your sacrifice on the cross and how You died so I can have life. I pray that I will be filled with the Holy Spirit and that I continue to live as You desire for me to live. I will strive to overcome temptations and no longer let sin control me. I put myself, my life and my future in Your Hands. I pray that You work in my life and guide my steps so that I continue to live for you for the rest of this life.
In Jesus Name, I pray!!!
God, I am sorry for my sin. I am sorry that I have strayed from you. I ask you to forgive me now as I repent of my sin. I don't want to live like a prodigal any longer. Renew and revive me as I once again follow you as my God. Thank you for your forgiveness. In Jesus'' Name I pray!