The Once Source Network is a vehicle where we envision a world that the media of TV/Radio/Internet is respected and trusted for its content, while serving as a tool to empower humanity, with knowledge and truth. 'tONEsn' Media is a resource that will nurture the hearts, minds and souls of all persons, shedding light on the positive aspects of life, which will cause a shift in our thought process.
The One Source Network is a model that humanity yearns for. Our programs are designed to engage the audience to shift from looking for answers outside of ourselves, to now look for the answers within. The network programs consist of our experiences and how each one discovered the purpose of their own spirituality, through Jesus Christ!
Why is 'tONEsn' different than others? It is God's Divine Plan for the network, being in alignment with Him; it is also our plan (although we are not perfect), but willing to trust His Voice and Supreme Guidance as we position ourselves to serve God and His Kingdom Plan for humanity/earth. "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done on earth as it is in Heaven..."
Who will benefit from our programs? Everyone who is open and who is ready for inward growth will greatly gain from our shows. The gift will be a greater understanding of who God really is in our lives, enhancing and supporting the opening of the spiritual heart, which has been hardened in many of us.
Will the network ask for money? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! We know that as long as we follow the plan of God, God will support and supply all of the network needs. This will allow the audience to develop trust and respect for what is being expressed.